My venturing into the realm of night photography began with my Western Journey to Moab, Utah in 2017. Ever since childhood, I have been captivated by the sheer majesty of Night Sky. During summer nights, I often found peaceful moments staring into the heavens in search of shooting stars, the Big Dipper, and the constellation Orion. So, with no experience and bits of information gathered from readings and the internet it began. Being situated in some of this countries “Darkest Skies”, the Milky Way is clearly visible, an event which I had never previously experienced. For the longest time, I never touched the camera, I just laid on the ground transfixed on the grandeur above. Eventually remembered why I was there and gave it a shot. While he first attempts were meager, they were also a big surprise and the motivation to learn more. While the learning curve here is steep, it is a hill very worth climbing.