Lessons learned, having the grandiose idea of shooting the National Parks of the West in one week will become a harsh reality once you map-out the vast distances to travel. Having adjusted expectations, my sites were set on Rocky Mountain NP in Colorado, then heading to Moab, Utah to take in the national parks of Arches and Canyonlands, as well as Dead Horse state park. But before hitting “The Park” circuit, my journey began travelling to the top of the Rockies to visit a dear friend living in Leadville, CO. Located 10,000 ft. in the Rockies, and being from the East Coast, it will literally take your breath away. Another breathtaking experience was gazing upon the amazing dark skies. Eighty percent of Americans live in an area where they cannot see the Milky Way, and this was my first experience in attempting to capture a small piece of those “Dark Sacred Nights”.