There is nothing like the Kaleidoscope of colors which creep their way south from heights of New England through the Mid-Atlantic’s from October through early November. A close friend of mine, in high school years, said if she were to have a baby girl, she would name her September-Ann. And so, years later, it came to be. Fast-forward a lifetime, we re-connected. I had asked her why? She said that September reminded her of the start of school - the aura, the feelings associated with school, which she loved. And so, a name anchored in love. For me, September was the end of Summer (freedom) and back to the grind. Then came “October”, exploding from the dark Green, Brown of summer’s palate to a spectrum of Yellows, Oranges, Reds, with unwavering evergreens. From the 1st. week of October, and over the next 5 weeks, Fall colors would roll their way southward travelling from the Northern most stretches of Pennsylvania, down through the Appalachians. By the end of the 2nd week of November, Winter’s monochrome pallet would be ever-present until March. Pick your favorite season? – for me, no Other!!!