The “Land of Fire and Ice” journey, of 2016 started off in Reykjavik, and then took us off the beaten path. Instead of trekking the 190-mile loop of the “Golden Circle”, our group traversed the central highlands, site of the most volcanic hot spots in Iceland. Here the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet. The region is painted with dark lava fields, breathtaking crater lakes, incredible geothermal areas, massive glaciers and spectacular waterfalls. Being July and Iceland lying just 25 mile south of the Artic Circle, there’s no total separation between sunset and sunrise. A prime time for landscape photography is what’s known as the “golden hour”. On this journey it was more like “golden hours”. The final destination was another amazing region, Iceland’s northwestern coast. In contrast to the breathtaking central highlands, it is primarily a rural area with extensive moors, lowlands and beautiful a coastline.